AI Image Generation Tips
Someone recently gave me a tip for AI image generation and its too good not to share. I've been using AI image generation for some time for create unique, passage-specific images to use for presentation slides for my sermons. Sometimes these look pretty good. Other times they don't. I recently learned how to take my AI game to the next level, and it's a really simple trick: Use AI to translate your thoughts to AI. No, really. Ask AI to give a prompt that you can use for AI image generation. What does this look like? After a friend of mine showed me how it worked, he joking said something like "can you imagine the billboards that John Hagee would have had if he had access to these tools back in the day?" And I took that as inspiration. I went straight to chatGPT and said, I want an image that makes use of the themes John Hagee would preach about regarding end times. This image would be used on a billboard warning that the end was near ChatGPT responded with: Here’...